2024-08-18 19:16:25 +08:00
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home title icon bgImage bgImageDark bgImageStyle heroText tagline actions highlights footer copyright
true Home home
vuepress-plugin-md-enhance Enhancement for Markdown in VuePress
text icon link type
Guide lightbulb ./guide/ primary
text icon link
Config tools ./config.html
header image bgImage bgImageDark highlights
Out of box /assets/image/box.svg
title icon details link
Full GFM Support fab fa-github Support github flavored markdown ./guide/others.html#gfm
header image bgImage bgImageDark bgImageStyle highlights
New Grammars /assets/image/module.svg
background-repeat background-size
repeat initial
title icon details link
Extended Image syntax image Set size and color scheme for image and covert them to figure ./guide/grammar/image.html
title icon details link
Superscript and subscript support superscript Your Markdown now support superscript and subscript ./guide/grammar/sup-sub.html
title icon details link
Tasklist Support square-check Use tasklist in Markdown ./guide/grammar/tasklist.html
title icon details link
Tex Support square-root-variable Markdown now have Tex Support so you can write your formula ./guide/grammar/tex.html
header image bgImage bgImageDark highlights
Content-Centered /assets/image/edit.svg
title icon details link
Footnote support quote-left Your Markdown now support footnotes ./guide/content/footnote.html
title icon details link
Include snippet Support fab fa-markdown split your docs with different parts and import them in Markdown ./guide/content/include.html
title icon details link
Presentation Support person-chalkboard Insert presentation in Markdown files via Reveal.js ./guide/content/revealjs/
title icon details link
Tabs table-columns Group similar content with tabs and switch them together ./guide/content/tabs.html
title icon details link
Component Support puzzle-piece Easily insert components in Markdown ./guide/content/component.html
header image bgImage bgImageDark bgImageStyle highlights
Stylizing contents /assets/image/marker.svg
background-repeat background-size
repeat initial
title icon details link
Hint box box-archive Decorate Markdown content with styles ./guide/stylize/hint.html
title icon details link
GFM alerts bell GFM alert box ./guide/stylize/alert.html
title icon details link
Custom Align align-center Let you decide to align paragraphs in the way you like ./guide/stylize/align.html
title icon details link
Attrs support code Allow you to add attributes for Markdown content ./guide/stylize/attrs.html
title icon details link
Mark Support highlighter Mark and highlight contents ./guide/stylize/mark.html
title icon details link
Spoiler Support eraser Mark spoiler contents ./guide/stylize/spoiler.html
title icon details link
Stylize tokens wand-magic-sparkles Stylize tokens into things you want ./guide/stylize/stylize.html
header image bgImage bgImageDark highlights
Inserting Charts /assets/image/chart.svg
title icon details link
Chart Support chart-simple Display charts in Markdown ./guide/chart/chartjs.html
title icon details link
ECharts Support bar-chart Display ECharts in Markdown ./guide/chart/echarts.html
title icon details link
Flowchart Support route Create your flowchart in Markdown ./guide/chart/flowchart.html
title icon details link
Markmap Support fab fa-markdown Generate mindmap with Markdown ./guide/chart/markmap.html
title icon details link
Mermaid Support chart-pie Add mermaid diagram in Markdown ./guide/chart/mermaid.html
title icon details link
Plantuml Support diagram-project Add plantuml diagram in Markdown ./guide/chart/plantuml.html
header image bgImage bgImageDark highlights
Showing your codes and works /assets/image/code.svg
title icon details link
Code Tabs code Group similar codes with tabs ./guide/code/code-tabs.html
title icon details link
Code Demo Support laptop-code You can insert code demo easily ./guide/code/demo/
title icon details link
Playground Support code You can add playground in Markdown files ./guide/code/playground.html
title icon details link
Kotlin playground Support fab fa-kickstarter Reactive kotlin playground ./guide/code/kotlin-playground.html
title icon details link
Vue playground Support fab fa-vuejs Show living vue component in playground ./guide/code/vue-playground.html
title icon details link
Sandpack playground Support code A live coding environment driven by Sandpack. ./guide/code/sandpack.html
Theme by <a href="" target="_blank">VuePress Theme Hope</a> | MIT Licensed, Copyright © 2019-present Mr.Hope false


::: code-tabs#shell

@tab pnpm

pnpm add -D vuepress-plugin-md-enhance

@tab yarn

yarn add -D vuepress-plugin-md-enhance

@tab npm

npm i -D vuepress-plugin-md-enhance



::: code-tabs#language

@tab TS

import { mdEnhancePlugin } from "vuepress-plugin-md-enhance";

export default {
  plugins: [
      // your options

@tab JS

import { mdEnhancePlugin } from "vuepress-plugin-md-enhance";

export default {
  plugins: [
      // your options


Migrating from V1

For details, see Migration Guide.