--- home: true title: Home icon: home heroText: vuepress-plugin-sass-palette tagline: Sass palette plugin for VuePress2 actions: - text: Guide icon: lightbulb link: ./guide.html type: primary - text: Config icon: tools link: ./config.html footer: Theme by VuePress Theme Hope | MIT Licensed, Copyright © 2019-present Mr.Hope copyright: false --- ## How to use ### Install ::: code-tabs#shell @tab pnpm ```bash pnpm add -D vuepress-plugin-sass-palette ``` @tab yarn ```bash yarn add -D vuepress-plugin-sass-palette ``` @tab npm ```bash npm i -D vuepress-plugin-sass-palette ``` ::: ### Usage You must invoke `useSassPalettePlugin` function during plugin initialization to use this plugin. ::: code-tabs#language @tab TS ```ts title="Your plugin or theme entry" import { useSassPalettePlugin } from "vuepress-plugin-sass-palette"; import type { PluginFunction } from "vuepress/core"; export const yourPlugin = (options): PluginFunction => (app) => { useSassPalettePlugin(app, { // plugin options }); return { // your plugin api }; }; ``` @tab JS ```js title="Your plugin or theme entry" import { useSassPalettePlugin } from "vuepress-plugin-sass-palette"; export const yourPlugin = (options) => (app) => { useSassPalettePlugin(app, { // plugin options }); return { // your plugin api }; }; ``` :::