/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */ import MarkdownIt from "markdown-it"; import { describe, expect, it } from "vitest"; import { getTSPlaygroundPreset, getUnoPlaygroundPreset, getVuePlaygroundPreset, playground, } from "../../src/node/markdown-it/playground/index.js"; describe("playground", () => { it("Should not throw", () => { const markdownIt = MarkdownIt({ linkify: true }).use(playground, { name: "test", }); const result = markdownIt.render( ` ::: test demo @file a.test \`\`\`test abc \`\`\` @import \`\`\`json { "imports": { "example": "https://example.com" } } \`\`\` ::: `, {}, ); expect(result).toMatchSnapshot(); }); describe("basic", () => { const markdownIt = MarkdownIt({ linkify: true }).use(playground, { name: "playground", component: "Playground", propsGetter: (data) => Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(data).map(([key, value]) => [ key, JSON.stringify(value), ]), ), }); it("Should resolve playground info", () => { const result = markdownIt.render( ` ::: playground Playground demo @file App.vue \`\`\`vue \`\`\` @file Comp.vue \`\`\`vue \`\`\` ::: `, {}, ); expect(result).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it("Should resolve playground info with imports and settings", () => { const result = markdownIt.render( ` ::: playground Playground demo2 @file App.vue \`\`\`vue \`\`\` @import \`\`\`json { "imports": { "vue": "https://sfc.vuejs.org/vue.runtime.esm-browser.js" } } \`\`\` @setting \`\`\`json { "service": "https://element-plus.run/" } \`\`\` ::: `, {}, ); expect(result).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe("ts preset", () => { const markdownItWithTSPreset = MarkdownIt({ linkify: true }).use( playground, getTSPlaygroundPreset({}), ); it("Should work", () => { const result1 = markdownItWithTSPreset.render(` ::: playground#ts TS demo 1 @file index.ts \`\`\`ts const msg = "hello world"; const speak = (msg: string) => console.info(msg); speak(msg); \`\`\` ::: `); const result2 = markdownItWithTSPreset.render(` ::: playground#ts TS demo 2 @file index.ts \`\`\`ts const msg = "hello world"; const speak = (msg: string) => console.info(msg); speak(msg); \`\`\` @setting \`\`\`json { "target": "es5", "declaration": true } \`\`\` ::: `); expect(result1).toMatchSnapshot(); expect(result2).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe("vue preset", () => { const markdownItWithVuePreset = MarkdownIt({ linkify: true }).use( playground, getVuePlaygroundPreset({}), ); const getVueFiles = (content: string): Record | null => { const result = decodeURIComponent(content).match(/link="(.*?)"/); if (!result) return null; const files = decodeURIComponent(result[1]) .split("#")[1] .replace("__DEV__", "") .replace("__SSR__", ""); return JSON.parse(Buffer.from(files, "base64").toString()) as Record< string, string >; }; it("Should work", () => { const result1 = markdownItWithVuePreset.render(` ::: playground#vue Vue demo with customized imports @file App.vue \`\`\`vue \`\`\` @file Comp.vue \`\`\`vue \`\`\` @import \`\`\`json { "imports": { "vue": "https://sfc.vuejs.org/vue.runtime.esm-browser.js" } } \`\`\` ::: `); const result2 = markdownItWithVuePreset.render(` ::: playground#vue Vue demo with customized settings @file App.vue \`\`\`vue \`\`\` @setting \`\`\`json { "dev": true, "ssr": true } \`\`\` ::: `); const result3 = markdownItWithVuePreset.render(` ::: playground#vue Vue demo with customized settings @file App.vue \`\`\`vue \`\`\` @import \`\`\`json { "imports": { "vue": "https://unpkg.com/vue/dist/vue.runtime.esm-browser.js" } } \`\`\` @setting \`\`\`json { "dev": true, "ssr": true } \`\`\` ::: `); expect(result1).toMatchSnapshot(); expect(result2).toMatchSnapshot(); expect(result3).toMatchSnapshot(); expect(result2).contains("__DEV__"); expect(result2).contains("__SSR__"); expect(result3).contains("__DEV__"); expect(result3).contains("__SSR__"); const files1 = getVueFiles(result1); const files2 = getVueFiles(result2); const files3 = getVueFiles(result3); expect(files1).toEqual({ "App.vue": `\ `, "Comp.vue": `\ `, "import-map.json": `\ { "imports": { "vue": "https://sfc.vuejs.org/vue.runtime.esm-browser.js" } }\ `, }); expect(files2).toEqual({ "App.vue": `\ `, "import-map.json": `\ { "imports": { "vue": "https://sfc.vuejs.org/vue.runtime.esm-browser.js", "vue/server-renderer": "https://sfc.vuejs.org/server-renderer.esm-browser.js" } }\ `, }); expect(files3).toEqual({ "App.vue": `\ `, "import-map.json": `\ { "imports": { "vue": "https://unpkg.com/vue/dist/vue.runtime.esm-browser.js", "vue/server-renderer": "https://sfc.vuejs.org/server-renderer.esm-browser.js" } }\ `, }); }); }); describe("unocss preset", () => { const markdownItWithUnoPreset = MarkdownIt({ linkify: true }).use( playground, getUnoPlaygroundPreset({}), ); it("Should work", () => { const result1 = markdownItWithUnoPreset.render(` ::: playground#unocss UnoCSS demo 1 @file index.html \`\`\`html
\`\`\` ::: `); const result2 = markdownItWithUnoPreset.render(` ::: playground#unocss UnoCSS demo 2 @file index.html \`\`\`html
\`\`\` @file config.js \`\`\`js import { defineConfig, presetUno, } from 'unocss' export default defineConfig({ presets: [ presetUno(), ] }) \`\`\` @file custom.css \`\`\`css :root { --fd-color: red; } \`\`\` ::: `); expect(result1).toMatchSnapshot(); expect(result2).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); });