--- home: true icon: home title: Project home heroImage: https://theme-hope-assets.vuejs.press/logo.svg bgImage: https://theme-hope-assets.vuejs.press/bg/6-light.svg bgImageDark: https://theme-hope-assets.vuejs.press/bg/6-dark.svg bgImageStyle: background-attachment: fixed heroText: Project name tagline: You can place the description of the project here. actions: - text: How to Use icon: lightbulb link: ./demo/ type: primary - text: Docs link: ./guide/ highlights: - header: Easy to install image: /assets/image/box.svg bgImage: https://theme-hope-assets.vuejs.press/bg/3-light.svg bgImageDark: https://theme-hope-assets.vuejs.press/bg/3-dark.svg highlights: - title: Run pnpm create vuepress-theme-hope hope-project to create a new project with this theme. - title: Run pnpm create vuepress-theme-hope add . in your project root to create a new project with this theme. - header: Add things you want in markdown description: We extended the standard commonMark specification and added tons of new features for you. image: /assets/image/markdown.svg bgImage: https://theme-hope-assets.vuejs.press/bg/2-light.svg bgImageDark: https://theme-hope-assets.vuejs.press/bg/2-dark.svg bgImageStyle: background-repeat: repeat background-size: initial features: - title: Links Check icon: clipboard-check details: Check markdown links link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/markdown/others.html#link-check - title: Hint box icon: box-archive details: Decorate Markdown content with styles link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/markdown/hint.html - title: GFM alerts icon: bell details: GFM alert box link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/markdown/alert.html - title: Tabs icon: table-columns details: Group similar content with tabs and switch them together link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/markdown/tabs.html - title: Code Tabs icon: code details: Group similar codes with tabs link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/markdown/code-tabs.html - title: Custom Align icon: align-center details: Let you decide to align paragraphs in the way you like link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/markdown/align.html - title: Attrs support icon: code details: Allow you to add attributes for Markdown content link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/markdown/attrs.html - title: Superscript and subscript support icon: superscript details: Your Markdown now support superscript and subscript link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/markdown/sup-sub.html - title: Footnote support icon: quote-left details: Your Markdown now support footnotes link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/markdown/footnote.html - title: Mark Support icon: highlighter details: Mark words and sentences in Markdown link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/markdown/mark.html - title: Tasklist Support icon: square-check details: Use tasklist in Markdown link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/markdown/tasklist.html - title: image syntax icon: image details: improve syntax to specify size and color scheme link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/markdown/image.html - title: Component Support icon: puzzle-piece details: Easily insert components in Markdown link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/markdown/component.html - title: Chart Support icon: chart-simple details: Display charts in Markdown link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/markdown/chartjs.html - title: Flowchart Support icon: route details: Create your flowchart in Markdown link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/markdown/flowchart.html - title: Mermaid Support icon: chart-pie details: Add mermaid diagram in Markdown link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/markdown/mermaid.html - title: Tex Support icon: square-root-variable details: Markdown now have Tex Support so you can write your formula link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/markdown/tex.html - title: Include snippet Support icon: fab fa-markdown details: split your docs with different parts and import them in Markdown link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/markdown/include.html - title: Playground Support icon: code details: You can add playground in Markdown files link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/markdown/playground.html - title: Vue playground Support icon: fab fa-vuejs details: Show living vue component in playground link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/markdown/vue-playground.html - title: Sandpack playground Support icon: code details: A live coding environment driven by Sandpack. link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/markdown/sandpack.html - title: Code Demo Support icon: laptop-code details: You can insert code demo easily link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/markdown/demo.html - title: Presentation Support icon: person-chalkboard details: Insert presentation in Markdown files via Reveal.js link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/markdown/revealjs/ - header: Improved layouts description: An awesome responsive layout with full a11y support. image: /assets/image/layout.svg bgImage: https://theme-hope-assets.vuejs.press/bg/5-light.svg bgImageDark: https://theme-hope-assets.vuejs.press/bg/5-dark.svg highlights: - title: Layout icon: object-group details: Improved navbar, sidebar, page nav and new breadcrumb, footer and toc. We also bring you a brand new homepage. link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/layout/ - title: Dark Mode icon: circle-half-stroke details: Switch between light and dark modes freely link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/interface/darkmode.html - title: Customizable Theme Color icon: palette details: Customize theme color link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/interface/theme-color.html - title: Slide Page icon: person-chalkboard details: Adding slide pages to display things you like link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/layout/slides - title: More icon: ellipsis details: RTL layout, print support, fullscreen button, etc. link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/interface/others.html - header: New features image: /assets/image/features.svg bgImage: https://theme-hope-assets.vuejs.press/bg/1-light.svg bgImageDark: https://theme-hope-assets.vuejs.press/bg/1-dark.svg features: - title: Pageviews and Comments icon: comment-dots details: Start pageview statistics and comment support with Waline link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/feature/comment.html - title: Article Information icon: circle-info details: Add author, writing date, reading time, word count and other information to your article link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/feature/page-info.html - title: Article Encryption icon: lock details: Encrypt you articles based on page links, so that only the one you want could see them link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/feature/encrypt.html - title: Search icon: search details: Support docsearch and client search link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/feature/search.html - title: Copy Code Blocks icon: copy details: Copy codes with one click in code blocks link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/feature/copy-code.html - title: Image Preview icon: image details: Support viewing, zooming, sharing your page images like a gallery link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/feature/photo-swipe.html - header: Blogging description: Create personal blog with theme image: /assets/image/blog.svg bgImage: https://theme-hope-assets.vuejs.press/bg/5-light.svg bgImageDark: https://theme-hope-assets.vuejs.press/bg/5-dark.svg highlights: - title: Blog features icon: blog details: Listing your articles with their dates, tags and categories link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/blog/intro.html - title: Blog homepage icon: blog details: New blog homepage link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/blog/home.html - title: Blogger info icon: circle-info details: Customize avatar, name, slogan, introduction and social links link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/blog/blogger.html - title: Timeline icon: clock details: Read through blog posts in a timeline link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/blog/timeline.html - header: Advanced description: Advanced features to improve site SEO and user experience image: /assets/image/advanced.svg bgImage: https://theme-hope-assets.vuejs.press/bg/4-light.svg bgImageDark: https://theme-hope-assets.vuejs.press/bg/4-dark.svg highlights: - title: SEO Enhancement icon: dumbbell details: Optimize pages for search engines link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/advanced/seo.html - title: Sitemap icon: sitemap details: Generate a Sitemap for your site link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/advanced/sitemap.html - title: Feed icon: rss details: Generate feed to allow users to subscribe it link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/advanced/feed.html - title: PWA icon: mobile-screen details: Make your site more like an APP link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/advanced/pwa.html copyright: false footer: Theme by VuePress Theme Hope | MIT Licensed, Copyright © 2019-present Mr.Hope --- This is an example of a project homepage. You can place your main content here. To use this layout, you need to set `home: true` in the page front matter. For related descriptions of configuration items, please see [Project HomePage Layout Config](https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/layout/home/).