--- title: Markdown Enhance icon: fab fa-markdown order: 2 category: - Guide tag: - Markdown --- VuePress basically generate pages from Markdown files. So you can use it to generate documentation or blog sites easily. You should create and write Markdown files, so that VuePress can convert them to different pages according to file structure. ## Markdown Introduction If you are a new learner and don't know how to write Markdown, please read [Markdown Intro](https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/cookbook/markdown/) and [Markdown Demo](https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/cookbook/markdown/demo.html). ## Markdown Config VuePress introduce configuration for each markdown page using Frontmatter. ::: important Frontmatter Frontmatter is an important concept in VuePress. If you don't know it, you need to read [Frontmatter Introduction](https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/cookbook/vuepress/page.html#front-matter). ::: ## Markdown Extension The Markdown content in VuePress will be parsed by [markdown-it](https://github.com/markdown-it/markdown-it), which supports [syntax extensions](https://github.com/markdown-it/markdown-it#syntax-extensions) via markdown-it plugins. ### VuePress Enhancement To enrich document writing, VuePress has extended Markdown syntax. For these extensions, please read [Markdown extensions in VuePress](https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/basic/vuepress/markdown.html). ### Theme Enhancement By using [`vuepress-plugin-md-enhance`][md-enhance], the theme extends more Markdown syntax and provides richer writing functions. #### Hint box ::: v-pre Safely use {{ variable }} in Markdown. ::: ::: info Custom Title A custom information container with `code`, [link](#hint-box). ```js const a = 1; ``` ::: ::: tip Custom Title A custom tip container ::: ::: warning Custom Title A custom warning container ::: ::: caution Custom Title A custom caution container ::: ::: details Custom Title A custom details container ::: - [View Detail](https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/markdown/hint.html) #### Tabs ::: tabs#fruit @tab apple Apple @tab banana Banana @tab orange Orange ::: - [View Detail](https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/markdown/tabs.html) #### Code Tabs ::: code-tabs#shell @tab pnpm ```bash pnpm add -D vuepress-theme-hope ``` @tab yarn ```bash yarn add -D vuepress-theme-hope ``` @tab:active npm ```bash npm i -D vuepress-theme-hope ``` ::: - [View Detail](https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/markdown/code-tabs.html) #### Superscript and Subscript 19^th^ H~2~O - [View Detail](https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/markdown/sup-sub.html) #### Align ::: center I am center ::: ::: right I am right align ::: - [View Detail](https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/markdown/align.html) #### Attrs A **word**{#word} having id. - [View Detail](https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/markdown/attrs.html) #### Footnote This text has footnote[^first]. [^first]: This is footnote content - [View Detail](https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/markdown/footnote.html) #### Mark You can mark ==important words== . - [View Detail](https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/markdown/mark.html) #### Tasklist - [x] Plan A - [ ] Plan B [View Detail](https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/markdown/tasklist.html) #### Image Enhancement Support setting color scheme and size - [View Detail](https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/markdown/image.html) #### Component ```component VPCard title: Mr.Hope desc: Where there is light, there is hope logo: https://mister-hope.com/logo.svg link: https://mister-hope.com background: rgba(253, 230, 138, 0.15) ``` - [View Detail](https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/markdown/component.html) #### Include files - [View Detail](https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/markdown/include.html) #### Stylize Donate Mr.Hope a cup of coffee. _Recommended_ - [View Detail](https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/markdown/stylize.html) #### Tex $$ \frac {\partial^r} {\partial \omega^r} \left(\frac {y^{\omega}} {\omega}\right) = \left(\frac {y^{\omega}} {\omega}\right) \left\{(\log y)^r + \sum_{i=1}^r \frac {(-1)^i r \cdots (r-i+1) (\log y)^{r-i}} {\omega^i} \right\} $$ - [View Detail](https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/guide/markdown/tex.html) #### Chart.js