import { hopeTheme } from "vuepress-theme-hope"; import navbar from "./navbar.js"; import sidebar from "./sidebar.js"; import { MR_HOPE_AVATAR } from "./logo.js"; export default hopeTheme({ hostname: "", author: { name: "Mr.Hope", url: "", }, iconAssets: "fontawesome-with-brands", logo: "", repo: "vuepress-theme-hope/vuepress-theme-hope", docsDir: "src", // navbar navbar, // sidebar sidebar, footer: "Default footer", displayFooter: true, encrypt: { config: { "/demo/encrypt.html": ["1234"], }, }, blog: { description: "A FrontEnd programmer", intro: "/intro.html", medias: { Baidu: "", BiliBili: "", Bitbucket: "", Dingding: "", Discord: "", Dribbble: "", Email: "", Evernote: "", Facebook: "", Flipboard: "", Gitee: "", GitHub: "", Gitlab: "", Gmail: "", Instagram: "", Lark: "", Lines: "", Linkedin: "", Pinterest: "", Pocket: "", QQ: "", Qzone: "", Reddit: "", Rss: "", Steam: "", Twitter: "", Wechat: "", Weibo: "", Whatsapp: "", Youtube: "", Zhihu: "", MrHope: ["", MR_HOPE_AVATAR], }, }, metaLocales: { editLink: "Edit this page on GitHub", }, // enable it to preview all changes in time // hotReload: true, plugins: { blog: true, // Install @waline/client before enabling it // Note: This is for testing ONLY! // You MUST generate and use your own comment service in production. // comment: { // provider: "Waline", // serverURL: "", // }, components: { components: ["Badge", "VPCard"], }, // These features are enabled for demo, only preserve features you need here mdEnhance: { align: true, attrs: true, codetabs: true, component: true, demo: true, figure: true, imgLazyload: true, imgSize: true, include: true, mark: true, stylize: [ { matcher: "Recommended", replacer: ({ tag }) => { if (tag === "em") return { tag: "Badge", attrs: { type: "tip" }, content: "Recommended", }; }, }, ], sub: true, sup: true, tabs: true, tasklist: true, vPre: true, // install chart.js before enabling it // chart: true, // insert component easily // install echarts before enabling it // echarts: true, // install flowchart.ts before enabling it // flowchart: true, // gfm requires mathjax-full to provide tex support // gfm: true, // install katex before enabling it // katex: true, // install mathjax-full before enabling it // mathjax: true, // install mermaid before enabling it // mermaid: true, // playground: { // presets: ["ts", "vue"], // }, // install reveal.js before enabling it // revealJs: { // plugins: ["highlight", "math", "search", "notes", "zoom"], // }, // install @vue/repl before enabling it // vuePlayground: true, // install sandpack-vue3 before enabling it // sandpack: true, }, // install @vuepress/plugin-pwa and uncomment these if you want a PWA // pwa: { // favicon: "/favicon.ico", // cacheHTML: true, // cacheImage: true, // appendBase: true, // apple: { // icon: "/assets/icon/apple-icon-152.png", // statusBarColor: "black", // }, // msTile: { // image: "/assets/icon/ms-icon-144.png", // color: "#ffffff", // }, // manifest: { // icons: [ // { // src: "/assets/icon/chrome-mask-512.png", // sizes: "512x512", // purpose: "maskable", // type: "image/png", // }, // { // src: "/assets/icon/chrome-mask-192.png", // sizes: "192x192", // purpose: "maskable", // type: "image/png", // }, // { // src: "/assets/icon/chrome-512.png", // sizes: "512x512", // type: "image/png", // }, // { // src: "/assets/icon/chrome-192.png", // sizes: "192x192", // type: "image/png", // }, // ], // shortcuts: [ // { // name: "Demo", // short_name: "Demo", // url: "/demo/", // icons: [ // { // src: "/assets/icon/guide-maskable.png", // sizes: "192x192", // purpose: "maskable", // type: "image/png", // }, // ], // }, // ], // }, // }, }, });