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2024-08-18 19:16:25 +08:00
@use "sass:color";
@use "sass:list";
@use "sass:map";
@use "sass:meta";
@use "sass:string";
@function is-upper-case($char) {
@return$char) != $char;
@function is-lower-case($char) {
@return$char) != $char;
@function camel-to-kebab($string) {
$length: string.length($string);
$property: "--";
@for $i from 1 through $length {
$char: string.slice($string, $i, $i);
$property: "#{$property}#{if(is-upper-case($char), "-#{
@return $property;
@function color-is-legal($value) {
// single color
@if meta.type-of($value) == color {
@return true;
// its a valid map color config
@if (
(meta.type-of($value) == map) and
(meta.type-of(map.get($value, "light")) == color) and
(meta.type-of(map.get($value, "dark")) == color)
) {
@return true;
@warn "Unexpected variable value: getting #{$value}";
@return false;
@function get-color($color, $is-dark: false) {
@if meta.type-of($color) == color {
@return $color;
$light-color: map.get($color, "light");
$dark-color: map.get($color, "dark");
@if $light-color and $dark-color {
@return if($is-dark, $dark-color, $light-color);
@warn "Unexpected color: getting #{$color}";
@return transparent;
@function get-dark-color($color) {
@return get-color($color, $is-dark: true);
@function get-variables($variables, $dark-selector: "") {
$root-variables: ();
$dark-variables: ();
@each $name, $value in $variables {
$key: camel-to-kebab($name);
@if meta.type-of($value) == number or meta.type-of($value) == string {
$root-variables: map.set($root-variables, $key, $value);
} @else if color-is-legal($value) {
$light-color: get-color($value, false);
$root-variables: map.set($root-variables, $key, $light-color);
@if $dark-selector {
$dark-color: get-color($value, true);
@if $light-color != $dark-color {
$dark-variables: map.set(
get-color($value, true)
@return ("root": $root-variables, "dark": $dark-variables);
@mixin inject-color($key, $config, $dark-selector: "") {
@if meta.type-of($config) == color {
:root {
#{$key}: #{$config};
} @else {
$light-color: map.get($config, "light");
$dark-color: map.get($config, "dark");
@if $light-color and $dark-color {
:root {
#{$key}: #{$light-color};
@if $light-color != $dark-color and $dark-selector {
#{$dark-selector} {
#{$key}: #{$dark-color};
@mixin inject($variables, $dark-selector: "") {
$result: get-variables($variables, $dark-selector);
$root-variables: map.get($result, "root");
$dark-variables: map.get($result, "dark");
@if $dark-selector {
#{$dark-selector} {
@each $key, $value in $dark-variables {
#{$key}: #{$value};
:root {
@each $key, $value in $root-variables {
#{$key}: #{$value};